Thursday, November 28, 2013

Pappy loves the Papa

"Men of the Battalion, as a veteran fighter ace I can tell you that you don't scratch 26 meatballs on good luck alone, what you need is to have the right equipment to do the job. This is why I fully endorse Papa Nui. The Papa know that a life spent under a tropical sun requires a cap of substance and his new Corsairs cap will give you the edge every time in the air or on the beach. Made to exacting standards from a solid 9 oz frog spot pattern Herringbone twill the Corsairs cap features an inspired A-1 sun visor extended peak and 4 panel ball cap construction. You're only as good as the gear you use and that's why I'm the best."

Semper Papa!

Major Gregory 'Pappy' Boyington.

Action Stations at the Papa production facility.

All hands are on deck at Papa Nui's production facility located somewhere in the South Pacific. The island is in full swing as the Union Specials sing their way stitch by stitch producing the finest quality caps this side of the atoll.


Wearing a prototype Papa Nui Corsairs Cap, Phyllis Jarman of Ypsilanti Michigan writes up a report in her workbook. Like many other Avenger Field pilots Phyllis only wears caps made by the Papa.
" The Papa ain't no 90 day wonder", says Phyllis, " He knows that you need a cap of substance for hunkering under when the sun is hot enough to shrivel you into a New England hag".

Style lines.

The Papa has always had a long love affair with loggers boots, from basic Georgia's back in the late 80's to Wesco smoke jumpers over the past decade. For the future however the White's lace to toe is looking pretty good!

Speedlines at Noosa

Word. Perfection.

Inspired! Mason Dyer Surfboards win the Papa Nui award for excellence.

The Papa has to love the boys down at Mason Dyer, Southern California. Their product line draws a wonderful linage back to WWII. Men after my own heart says the Papa. Check out the website, American made nostalgia at its best!

Portrait of Moloko.

This is a wonderful portrait of Moloko. For those of you in the know, Moloko heads up Papa Nui's native labour battalion and is responsible for keeping the Mary's nimble at their Union Specials.

A fin of beauty.

Dazzle Kook Box.

For the love of  Kook boxes, hollowed out paddle boards in the style of surf pioneer Tom Blake. Particular kudos goes to the black and white stripe board reminiscent of US Navy dazzle pattern camouflage. The Papa is much inspired and will one day create the dazzle log to confuse the enemy at his favourite point break.

Chance Vought F4U Corsair

The Papa's favourite WWII aircraft. Flown by the Navy and the Marines alike this baby had a 11: 1 kill ratio, wow,  now that's odds!
An endless source of fascination and inspiration: