If you can believe all the scuttlebutt of late it would appear that the Papa has another one of his island projects on the boil.
Word from the Marianas to the Marshals, from the far flung Polynesias to the savage Feejees is that the Papa is engaged in an exclusive collaboration T-shirt with his good allies down at RHD Adelaide.
This Tee promises to carry with it the smell of warm climes and exotic locations and as always Papa Nui's sovereign cure for all winter ills, colds and catarrhs, that inherent glow of tropical sunshine exclusive to his residential abode.
But the living ain't always easy out here on the Atoll, No Siree! Sometimes the sheer remoteness of Papa's manufacturing facilities can create all sorts of difficulties. When raw material shipments were lost to I-types coming through the straights, Papa's entire delivery went to the bottom of the channel. How then to get a blank t-shirt to print? A call goes out, the base signals office, the sharkskin drum, a cry of dismay, a plea for help. Every able Zoom pigeon, Airedale and Sea dog, every Master of vessel, Sea bee and Blue jacket pitches in, until an idea surfaces a stratagem develops! From the most unassuming corner of the Island but from the darkest resources of the human mind, a mechanic steps forward, a crap shooting grease monkey from the motor pool Mafia, ' To hell with it Papa, lets just steal them!"
And so just like that the operation begins. a clothes line here, the base laundry there, the officers compound, the Admirals quonset, god forbid even graves registration oh no!
Until at last on Papa's doorstep a basket full of blank t-shirts appears. Some small, some large, some white and some yellowed with age, some holed and stained from distant battles of the campaign but each different from the next, each unique with its own story. A stroke of brilliance yet again, Oh Papa, what shall be grand in thee!
Papa Nui's RHD tee coming soon. Rag house rescue, old dirty and fucked up, hand sourced original fit tees, hand printed with water base inks, hand measured and hand stamped, limited quantities available, exclusive to Papanuisays.blogspot.com and the RHD store