Friday, April 27, 2012

Convoy to sail.

Papa Nui, Papa Nui, come in Papa!
The Liberty Ships are loaded and the Coconut Express is ready to sail. Convoy rendezvous destination X in 12 days. Combat Beach Battalion surplus on board.
Over and out!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Field Theories by Matt Shallenberger for the Papa.

So Field Theories is the leather arm of Matt Shallenberger bags and the concept is build around the 'possibles' bag as used by early American adventurers.
For my birthday, 'Chip', bought this medium sized envelope style for my Ipad and had Matt emboss the leather with my moniker next to Matt's acorn logo. This bag is really something and for those of you that saw the post on Papa's war bag, another of Matt's creations, this bag is right up there. A beautiful quality piece of hide that is currently taking pride of place on Papa's desk.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Papa's Beach Party.

Taking a well earned break from production, the Papa's boys went down to the beach last night to let off a little steam. Today however they're back at it. The orders have to be filled, customers are waiting and the Papa is getting very impatient.