Back from the East Indies and I was thinking about how truly beautiful the place is. So in the spirit of the great Naturalists, the likes of Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, the Papa with his trusty companion Giggles couldn't help but take the hipstamatic to the gorgeous tropical surrounds. Here are some random shots of our vacation.

You may not wish to go to school but you should learn to spell.

Bali and the southern Islands are predominately Hindu and so the swastika charm abounds.

On the beach north of Seminyak we found these sea snails washed up by the tide.

Thousands of shutters make up an amphitheatre that is the beach club.

Submariner in Bali Time.

Working the sawah in all its verdant greenery adjacent to Jalan Oberoi.

Bamboo decor disguises a foot tap to wash away the black volcanic sand.

Giant banana leaves, a backdrop for the Papa.

Outside of a random front gate this beautiful vine profusion of orchids.

Heliconias and Birds of Paradise.

Plumeria blossoms everywhere.

Deadly tidal current sweep seawards along the coast from Kuta and Legian and the north to Seminyak and beyond, getting caught in the current means a long long paddle.

The Deus Ex Machinas store in Canggu is a strange oasis amongst the rice fields, the Mini Simmons surfboards available for sale there are a rare thing of beauty.

Dutch Colonial lighting.

Echo beach far away in time.

Coconuts adrift.

This gorgeously fragile starfish was a victim on the full moon tides.

Finding a suitable daypack for this trip was one of trial and error however in the end the WWII gas mask bag proved its worth in size and practicality.

A tributary that ran into the sea near Petitenget provided a sanctuary for millions of tiny crabs.

Papa on the watch, scanning the horizon.

Papa and Giggles: a perfect union.

The pool at the Kresna.

Morning coffee at Potato Head and a good read: 'The Malay Archipelago' published 1868.

An asiatic style statue of the Buddah.